Московское медицинское училище №3

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Флудим тут!

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Тема для флуда... Что бы не засорять форум всяким флеймом пишите всё здесь...
Я понимаю, конечно, флудить ыв специальной теме не интересно, но правила стоит соблюдать

Что-то у вас тут народу мало... Как не зайду, всё время один сижу... Почему никто ничего не пишет???

Отредактировано SLava (09-07-2007 22:34:36)


SLava написал(а):

Тема для флуда... Что бы не засорять форум всяким флеймом пишите всё здесь...
Я понимаю, конечно, флудить ыв специальной теме не интересно, но правила стоит соблюдать
Что-то у вас тут народу мало... Как не зайду, всё время один сижу... Почему никто ничего не пишет???

Потому что все в ударе!)
Щас каникулы! Отпуска!  KAJF


20 июня - день ММУ №3!!!!

Московское медицинское училище № 3 находится в Центральном округе г. Москвы, на базе Морозовской больницы. До 1917 г. Морозовская больница была самой молодой и самой крупной из детских больниц г. Москвы.
С 1 сентября 1931 года были открыты курсы для младшего медицинского персонала (сан. курсы) при Морозовской больнице, которые существовали до 1936 года. В 1936 году на базе курсов организована двухгодичная школа медсестер, которая в 1941 году была закрыта. С 1 сентября 1945 года школа медсестер возобновила свою работу и существовала до 1957г. Решением Моссовета № 3041 от 20 июля 1957 года школа была переименована в медицинское училище № 3 Мосгорздравотдела.


SLava, это что по твоему флуд?
Видимо у нас разные представления о том, что такое ...














Ладно, ладно. Ты прав. То был не совсем флуд  :D
А плонятия не различаются, я думаю....

-- FTP support for the Lua language
-- LuaSocket toolkit.
-- Author: Diego Nehab
-- Conforming to: RFC 959, LTN7
-- RCS ID: $Id: ftplua,v 1.13 2003/08/16 00:06:04 diego Exp $

local Public, Private = {}, {}
local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME] -- get LuaSocket namespace
socket.ftp = Public  -- create ftp sub namespace

-- Program constants
-- timeout in seconds before the program gives up on a connection
Public.TIMEOUT = 60
-- default port for ftp service
Public.PORT = 21
-- this is the default anonymous password. used when no password is
-- provided in url. should be changed to your e-mail.
Public.EMAIL = "anonymous@anonymous.org"
-- block size used in transfers
Public.BLOCKSIZE = 8192

-- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
--   sock: socket connected to the server
--   pattern: pattern to receive
-- Returns
--   received pattern on success
--   nil followed by error message on error
function Private.try_receive(sock, pattern)
    local data, err = sock:receive(pattern)
    if not data then sock:close() end
    return data, err

-- Tries to send data to the server and closes socket on error
--   sock: socket connected to the server
--   data: data to send
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any, nil if successfull
function Private.try_send(sock, data)
    local sent, err = sock:send(data)
    if not sent then sock:close() end
    return err

-- Tries to send DOS mode lines. Closes socket on error.
-- Input
--   sock: server socket
--   line: string to be sent
-- Returns
--   err: message in case of error, nil if successfull
function Private.try_sendline(sock, line)
    return Private.try_send(sock, line .. "\r\n")

-- Gets ip and port for data connection from PASV answer
-- Input
--   pasv: PASV command answer
-- Returns
--   ip: string containing ip for data connection
--   port: port for data connection
function Private.get_pasv(pasv)
local a, b, c, d, p1, p2, _
local ip, port
_,_, a, b, c, d, p1, p2 =
    string.find(pasv, "(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*)")
if not (a and b and c and d and p1 and p2) then return nil, nil end
ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", a, b, c, d)
port = tonumber(p1)*256 + tonumber(p2)
return ip, port

-- Sends a FTP command through socket
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   cmd: command
--   arg: command argument if any
-- Returns
--   error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Private.send_command(control, cmd, arg)
local line
if arg then line = cmd .. " " .. arg
else line = cmd end
return Private.try_sendline(control, line)

-- Gets FTP command answer, unfolding if neccessary
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
-- Returns
--   answer: whole server reply, nil if error
--   code: answer status code or error message
function Private.get_answer(control)
local code, lastcode, sep, _
local line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
local answer = line
if err then return nil, err end
_,_, code, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
if not code or not sep then return nil, answer end
if sep == "-" then -- answer is multiline
    line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
    if err then return nil, err end
    _,_, lastcode, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
    answer = answer .. "\n" .. line
    until code == lastcode and sep == " " -- answer ends with same code
return answer, tonumber(code)

-- Checks if a message return is correct. Closes control connection if not.
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
--   code: reply code or nil in case of error
--   answer: server complete answer or system error message
function Private.check_answer(control, success)
local answer, code = Private.get_answer(control)
if not answer then return nil, code end
if type(success) ~= "table" then success = {success} end
for _, s in ipairs(success) do
    if code == s then
    return code, answer
return nil, answer

-- Trys a command on control socked, in case of error, the control connection
-- is closed.
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   cmd: command
--   arg: command argument or nil if no argument
--   success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
--   code: reply code or nil in case of error
--   answer: server complete answer or system error message
function Private.command(control, cmd, arg, success)
local err = Private.send_command(control, cmd, arg)
if err then return nil, err end
return Private.check_answer(control, success)

-- Check server greeting
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.greet(control)
local code, answer = Private.check_answer(control, {120, 220})
if code == 120 then -- please try again, somewhat busy now...
    return Private.check_answer(control, {220})
return code, answer

-- Log in on server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   user: user name
--   password: user password if any
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.login(control, user, password)
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "user", user, {230, 331})
if code == 331 and password then -- need pass and we have pass
    return Private.command(control, "pass", password, {230, 202})
return code, answer

-- Change to target directory
-- Input
--   control: socket for control connection with server
--   path: directory to change to
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.cwd(control, path)
if path then return Private.command(control, "cwd", path, {250})
else return 250, nil end

-- Change to target directory
-- Input
--   control: socket for control connection with server
-- Returns
--   server: server socket bound to local address, nil if error
--   answer: error message if any
function Private.port(control)
local code, answer
local server, ctl_ip
ctl_ip, answer = control:getsockname()
server, answer = socket.bind(ctl_ip, 0)
local ip, p, ph, pl
ip, p = server:getsockname()
pl = math.mod(p, 256)
ph = (p - pl)/256
    local arg = string.gsub(string.format("%s,%d,%d", ip, ph, pl), "%.", ",")
code, answer = Private.command(control, "port", arg, {200})
if not code then
    return nil, answer
else return server end

-- Closes control connection with server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.logout(control)
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "quit", nil, {221})
if code then control:close() end
return code, answer

-- Receives data and send it to a callback
-- Input
--   data: data connection
--   callback: callback to return file contents
-- Returns
--   nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error
function Private.receive_indirect(data, callback)
local chunk, err, res
while not err do
    chunk, err = Private.try_receive(data, Public.BLOCKSIZE)
    if err == "closed" then err = "done" end
    res = callback(chunk, err)
    if not res then break end

-- Retrieves file or directory listing
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   server: server socket bound to local address
--   name: file name
--   is_directory: is file a directory name?
--   content_cb: callback to receive file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Private.retrieve(control, server, name, is_directory, content_cb)
local code, answer
local data
-- ask server for file or directory listing accordingly
if is_directory then
    code, answer = Private.cwd(control, name)
    if not code then return answer end
    code, answer = Private.command(control, "nlst", nil, {150, 125})
    code, answer = Private.command(control, "retr", name, {150, 125})
if not code then return nil, answer end
data, answer = server:accept()
if not data then
    return answer
answer = Private.receive_indirect(data, content_cb)
if answer then
    return answer
-- make sure file transfered ok
return Private.check_answer(control, {226, 250})

-- Sends data comming from a callback
-- Input
--   data: data connection
--   send_cb: callback to produce file contents
--   chunk, size: first callback return values
-- Returns
--   nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error
function Private.send_indirect(data, send_cb, chunk, size)
    local total, sent, err
    total = 0
    while 1 do
        if type(chunk) ~= "string" or type(size) ~= "number" then
            if not chunk and type(size) == "string" then return size
            else return "invalid callback return" end
        sent, err = data:send(chunk)
        if err then
            return err
        total = total + sent
        if sent >= size then break end
        chunk, size = send_cb()

-- Stores a file
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   server: server socket bound to local address
--   file: file name under current directory
--   send_cb: callback to produce the file contents
-- Returns
--   code: return code, nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.store(control, server, file, send_cb)
local data, err
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "stor", file, {150, 125})
if not code then
    return nil, answer
-- start data connection
data, answer = server:accept()
if not data then
    return nil, answer
-- send whole file
err = Private.send_indirect(data, send_cb, send_cb())
if err then
    return nil, err
-- close connection to inform that file transmission is complete
-- check if file was received correctly
return Private.check_answer(control, {226, 250})

-- Change transfer type
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   params: "type=i" for binary or "type=a" for ascii
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.change_type(control, params)
local type, _
_, _, type = string.find(params or "", "type=(.)")
if type == "a" or type == "i" then
    local code, err = Private.command(control, "type", type, {200})
    if not code then return err end

-- Starts a control connection, checks the greeting and log on
-- Input
--   parsed: parsed URL components
-- Returns
--   control: control connection with server, or nil if error
--   err: error message if any
function Private.open(parsed)
-- start control connection
local control, err = socket.connect(parsed.host, parsed.port)
if not control then return nil, err end
-- make sure we don't block forever
-- check greeting
local code, answer = Private.greet(control)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- try to log in
code, err = Private.login(control, parsed.user, parsed.password)
if not code then return nil, err
else return control end

-- Closes the connection with the server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
function Private.close(control)
-- disconnect

-- Changes to the directory pointed to by URL
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.change_dir(control, segment)
    local n = table.getn(segment)
for i = 1, n-1 do
    local code, answer = Private.cwd(control, segment[i])
    if not code then return answer end

-- Stores a file in current directory
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     content_cb: send callback to send file contents
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.upload(control, request, segment)
local code, name, content_cb
-- get remote file name
name = segment[table.getn(segment)]
if not name then
    return "Invalid file path"
content_cb = request.content_cb
-- setup passive connection
local server, answer = Private.port(control)
if not server then return answer end
-- ask server to receive file
code, answer = Private.store(control, server, name, content_cb)
if not code then return answer end

-- Download a file from current directory
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     content_cb: receive callback to receive file contents
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.download(control, request, segment)
local code, name, is_directory, content_cb
is_directory = segment.is_directory
content_cb = request.content_cb
-- get remote file name
name = segment[table.getn(segment)]
if not name and not is_directory then
    return "Invalid file path"
-- setup passive connection
local server, answer = Private.port(control)
if not server then return answer end
-- ask server to send file or directory listing
code, answer = Private.retrieve(control, server, name,
    is_directory, content_cb)
if not code then return answer end

-- Parses the FTP URL setting default values
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
-- Returns
--   parsed: a table with parsed components
function Private.parse_url(request)
local parsed = socket.url.parse(request.url, {
    host = "",
    user = "anonymous",
    port = 21,
    path = "/",
    password = Public.EMAIL,
    scheme = "ftp"
-- explicit login information overrides that given by URL
parsed.user = request.user or parsed.user
parsed.password = request.password or parsed.password
-- explicit representation type overrides that given by URL
if request.type then parsed.params = "type=" .. request.type end
return parsed

-- Parses the FTP URL path setting default values
-- Input
--   parsed: a table with the parsed URL components
-- Returns
--   dirs: a table with parsed directory components
function Private.parse_path(parsed_url)
local segment = socket.url.parse_path(parsed_url.path)
segment.is_directory = segment.is_directory or
        (parsed_url.params == "type=d")
return segment

-- Builds a request table from a URL or request table
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
-- Returns
--   request: request table
function Private.build_request(data)
    local request = {}
    if type(data) == "table" then for i, v in data do request[i] = v end
    else request.url = data end
    return request

-- Downloads a file from a FTP server
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
--     content_cb: receive callback to receive file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.get_cb(request)
local parsed = Private.parse_url(request)
if parsed.scheme ~= "ftp" then
    return string.format("unknown scheme '%s'", parsed.scheme)
local control, err = Private.open(parsed)
if not control then return err end
local segment = Private.parse_path(parsed)
return Private.change_dir(control, segment) or
    Private.change_type(control, parsed.params) or
    Private.download(control, request, segment) or

-- Uploads a file to a FTP server
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
--     content_cb: send callback to send file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.put_cb(request)
local parsed = Private.parse_url(request)
if parsed.scheme ~= "ftp" then
    return string.format("unknown scheme '%s'", parsed.scheme)
local control, err = Private.open(parsed)
if not control then return err end
local segment = Private.parse_path(parsed)
return Private.change_dir(control, segment) or
    Private.change_type(control, parsed.params) or
    Private.upload(control, request, segment) or

-- Uploads a file to a FTP server
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
--   content: file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.put(url_or_request, content)
local request = Private.build_request(url_or_request)
request.content_cb = function()
    return content, string.len(content)
return Public.put_cb(request)

-- Retrieve a file from a ftp server
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
-- Returns
--   data: file contents as a string
--   err: error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Public.get(url_or_request)
local cat = socket.concat.create()
local request = Private.build_request(url_or_request)
request.content_cb = function(chunk, err)
    if chunk then cat:addstring(chunk) end
    return 1
local err = Public.get_cb(request)
return cat:getresult(), err


SLava написал(а):

-- FTP support for the Lua language
-- LuaSocket toolkit.
-- Author: Diego Nehab
-- Conforming to: RFC 959, LTN7
-- RCS ID: $Id: -,v 1.13 2003/08/16 00:06:04 diego Exp $
local Public, Private = {}, {}
local socket = _G[LUASOCKET_LIBNAME] -- get LuaSocket namespace
socket.ftp = Public  -- create ftp sub namespace
-- Program constants
-- timeout in seconds before the program gives up on a connection
Public.TIMEOUT = 60
-- default port for ftp service
Public.PORT = 21
-- ts is the default anonymous password. used when no password is
-- provided in url. should be changed to your e-mail.
Public.EMAIL = "anonymous@anonymous.org"
-- block size used in transfers
Public.BLOCKSIZE = 8192
-- Tries to get a pattern from the server and closes socket on error
--   sock: socket connected to the server
--   pattern: pattern to receive
-- Returns
--   received pattern on success
--   nil followed by error message on error
function Private.try_receive(sock, pattern)
    local data, err = sock:receive(pattern)
    if not data then sock:close() end
    return data, err
-- Tries to send data to the server and closes socket on error
--   sock: socket connected to the server
--   data: data to send
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any, nil if successfull
function Private.try_send(sock, data)
    local sent, err = sock:send(data)
    if not sent then sock:close() end
    return err
-- Tries to send DOS mode lines. Closes socket on error.
-- Input
--   sock: server socket
--   line: string to be sent
-- Returns
--   err: message in case of error, nil if successfull
function Private.try_sendline(sock, line)
    return Private.try_send(sock, line .. "\r\n")
-- Gets ip and port for data connection from PASV answer
-- Input
--   pasv: PASV command answer
-- Returns
--   ip: string containing ip for data connection
--   port: port for data connection
function Private.get_pasv(pasv)
local a, b, c, d, p1, p2, _
local ip, port
_,_, a, b, c, d, p1, p2 =
    string.find(pasv, "(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*)")
if not (a and b and c and d and p1 and p2) then return nil, nil end
ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", a, b, c, d)
port = tonumber(p1)*256 + tonumber(p2)
return ip, port
-- Sends a FTP command through socket
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   cmd: command
--   arg: command argument if any
-- Returns
--   error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Private.send_command(control, cmd, arg)
local line
if arg then line = cmd .. " " .. arg
else line = cmd end
return Private.try_sendline(control, line)
-- Gets FTP command answer, unfolding if neccessary
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
-- Returns
--   answer: whole server reply, nil if error
--   code: answer status code or error message
function Private.get_answer(control)
local code, lastcode, sep, _
local line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
local answer = line
if err then return nil, err end
_,_, code, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
if not code or not sep then return nil, answer end
if sep == "-" then -- answer is multiline
    line, err = Private.try_receive(control)
    if err then return nil, err end
    _,_, lastcode, sep = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.)")
    answer = answer .. "\n" .. line
    until code == lastcode and sep == " " -- answer ends with same code
return answer, tonumber(code)
-- Checks if a message return is correct. Closes control connection if not.
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
--   code: reply code or nil in case of error
--   answer: server complete answer or system error message
function Private.check_answer(control, success)
local answer, code = Private.get_answer(control)
if not answer then return nil, code end
if type(success) ~= "table" then success = {success} end
for _, s in ipairs(success) do
    if code == s then
    return code, answer
return nil, answer
-- Trys a command on control socked, in case of error, the control connection
-- is closed.
-- Input
--   control: control connection socket
--   cmd: command
--   arg: command argument or nil if no argument
--   success: table with successfull reply status code
-- Returns
--   code: reply code or nil in case of error
--   answer: server complete answer or system error message
function Private.command(control, cmd, arg, success)
local err = Private.send_command(control, cmd, arg)
if err then return nil, err end
return Private.check_answer(control, success)
-- Check server greeting
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.greet(control)
local code, answer = Private.check_answer(control, {120, 220})
if code == 120 then -- please try again, somewhat busy now...
    return Private.check_answer(control, {220})
return code, answer
-- Log in on server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   user: user name
--   password: user password if any
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.login(control, user, password)
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "user", user, {230, 331})
if code == 331 and password then -- need pass and we have pass
    return Private.command(control, "pass", password, {230, 202})
return code, answer
-- Change to target directory
-- Input
--   control: socket for control connection with server
--   path: directory to change to
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.cwd(control, path)
if path then return Private.command(control, "cwd", path, {250})
else return 250, nil end
-- Change to target directory
-- Input
--   control: socket for control connection with server
-- Returns
--   server: server socket bound to local address, nil if error
--   answer: error message if any
function Private.port(control)
local code, answer
local server, ctl_ip
ctl_ip, answer = control:getsockname()
server, answer = socket.bind(ctl_ip, 0)
local ip, p, ph, pl
ip, p = server:getsockname()
pl = math.mod(p, 256)
ph = (p - pl)/256
    local arg = string.gsub(string.format("%s,%d,%d", ip, ph, pl), "%.", ",")
code, answer = Private.command(control, "port", arg, {200})
if not code then
    return nil, answer
else return server end
-- Closes control connection with server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
-- Returns
--   code: nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.logout(control)
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "quit", nil, {221})
if code then control:close() end
return code, answer
-- Receives data and send it to a callback
-- Input
--   data: data connection
--   callback: callback to return file contents
-- Returns
--   nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error
function Private.receive_indirect(data, callback)
local chunk, err, res
while not err do
    chunk, err = Private.try_receive(data, Public.BLOCKSIZE)
    if err == "closed" then err = "done" end
    res = callback(chunk, err)
    if not res then break end
-- Retrieves file or directory listing
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   server: server socket bound to local address
--   name: file name
--   is_directory: is file a directory name?
--   content_cb: callback to receive file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Private.retrieve(control, server, name, is_directory, content_cb)
local code, answer
local data
-- ask server for file or directory listing accordingly
if is_directory then
    code, answer = Private.cwd(control, name)
    if not code then return answer end
    code, answer = Private.command(control, "nlst", nil, {150, 125})
    code, answer = Private.command(control, "retr", name, {150, 125})
if not code then return nil, answer end
data, answer = server:accept()
if not data then
    return answer
answer = Private.receive_indirect(data, content_cb)
if answer then
    return answer
-- make sure file transfered
return Private.check_answer(control, {226, 250})
-- Sends data comming from a callback
-- Input
--   data: data connection
--   send_cb: callback to produce file contents
--   chunk, size: first callback return values
-- Returns
--   nil if successfull, or an error message in case of error
function Private.send_indirect(data, send_cb, chunk, size)
    local total, sent, err
    total = 0
    while 1 do
        if type(chunk) ~= "string" or type(size) ~= "number" then
            if not chunk and type(size) == "string" then return size
            else return "invalid callback return" end
        sent, err = data:send(chunk)
        if err then
            return err
        total = total + sent
        if sent >= size then break end
        chunk, size = send_cb()
-- Stores a file
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   server: server socket bound to local address
--   file: file name under current directory
--   send_cb: callback to produce the file contents
-- Returns
--   code: return code, nil if error
--   answer: server answer or error message
function Private.store(control, server, file, send_cb)
local data, err
local code, answer = Private.command(control, "stor", file, {150, 125})
if not code then
    return nil, answer
-- start data connection
data, answer = server:accept()
if not data then
    return nil, answer
-- send whole file
err = Private.send_indirect(data, send_cb, send_cb())
if err then
    return nil, err
-- close connection to inform that file transmission is complete
-- check if file was received correctly
return Private.check_answer(control, {226, 250})
-- Change transfer type
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   params: "type=i" for binary or "type=a" for ascii
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.change_type(control, params)
local type, _
_, _, type = string.find(params or "", "type=(.)")
if type == "a" or type == "i" then
    local code, err = Private.command(control, "type", type, {200})
    if not code then return err end
-- Starts a control connection, checks the greeting and log on
-- Input
--   parsed: parsed URL components
-- Returns
--   control: control connection with server, or nil if error
--   err: error message if any
function Private.open(parsed)
-- start control connection
local control, err = socket.connect(parsed.host, parsed.port)
if not control then return nil, err end
-- make sure we don't block forever
-- check greeting
local code, answer = Private.greet(control)
if not code then return nil, answer end
-- try to log in
code, err = Private.login(control, parsed.user, parsed.password)
if not code then return nil, err
else return control end
-- Closes the connection with the server
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
function Private.close(control)
-- disconnect
-- Changes to the directory pointed to by URL
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.change_dir(control, segment)
    local n = table.getn(segment)
for i = 1, n-1 do
    local code, answer = Private.cwd(control, segment[i])
    if not code then return answer end
-- Stores a file in current directory
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     content_cb: send callback to send file contents
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.upload(control, request, segment)
local code, name, content_cb
-- get remote file name
name = segment[table.getn(segment)]
if not name then
    return "Invalid file path"
content_cb = request.content_cb
-- setup passive connection
local server, answer = Private.port(control)
if not server then return answer end
-- ask server to receive file
code, answer = Private.store(control, server, name, content_cb)
if not code then return answer end
-- Download a file from current directory
-- Input
--   control: control connection with server
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     content_cb: receive callback to receive file contents
--   segment: parsed URL path segments
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Private.download(control, request, segment)
local code, name, is_directory, content_cb
is_directory = segment.is_directory
content_cb = request.content_cb
-- get remote file name
name = segment[table.getn(segment)]
if not name and not is_directory then
    return "Invalid file path"
-- setup passive connection
local server, answer = Private.port(control)
if not server then return answer end
-- ask server to send file or directory listing
code, answer = Private.retrieve(control, server, name,
    is_directory, content_cb)
if not code then return answer end
-- Parses the FTP URL setting default values
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
-- Returns
--   parsed: a table with parsed components
function Private.parse_url(request)
local parsed = socket.url.parse(request.url, {
    host = "",
    user = "anonymous",
    port = 21,
    path = "/",
    password = Public.EMAIL,
    scheme = "ftp"
-- explicit login information overrides that given by URL
parsed.user = request.user or parsed.user
parsed.password = request.password or parsed.password
-- explicit representation type overrides that given by URL
if request.type then parsed.params = "type=" .. request.type end
return parsed
-- Parses the FTP URL path setting default values
-- Input
--   parsed: a table with the parsed URL components
-- Returns
--   dirs: a table with parsed directory components
function Private.parse_path(parsed_url)
local segment = socket.url.parse_path(parsed_url.path)
segment.is_directory = segment.is_directory or
        (parsed_url.params == "type=d")
return segment
-- Builds a request table from a URL or request table
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
-- Returns
--   request: request table
function Private.build_request(data)
    local request = {}
    if type(data) == "table" then for i, v in data do request[i] = v end
    else request.url = data end
    return request
-- Downloads a file from a FTP server
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
--     content_cb: receive callback to receive file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.get_cb(request)
local parsed = Private.parse_url(request)
if parsed.scheme ~= "ftp" then
    return string.format("unknown scheme '%s'", parsed.scheme)
local control, err = Private.open(parsed)
if not control then return err end
local segment = Private.parse_path(parsed)
return Private.change_dir(control, segment) or
    Private.change_type(control, parsed.params) or
    Private.download(control, request, segment) or
-- Uploads a file to a FTP server
-- Input
--   request: a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password
--     content_cb: send callback to send file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.put_cb(request)
local parsed = Private.parse_url(request)
if parsed.scheme ~= "ftp" then
    return string.format("unknown scheme '%s'", parsed.scheme)
local control, err = Private.open(parsed)
if not control then return err end
local segment = Private.parse_path(parsed)
return Private.change_dir(control, segment) or
    Private.change_type(control, parsed.params) or
    Private.upload(control, request, segment) or
-- Uploads a file to a FTP server
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
--   content: file contents
-- Returns
--   err: error message if any
function Public.put(url_or_request, content)
local request = Private.build_request(url_or_request)
request.content_cb = function()
    return content, string.len(content)
return Public.put_cb(request)
-- Retrieve a file from a ftp server
-- Input
--   url_or_request: target url or request table (a table with the fields:
--     url: the target URL
--     type: "i" for "image" mode, "a" for "ascii" mode or "d" for directory
--     user: account user name
--     password: account password)
-- Returns
--   data: file contents as a string
--   err: error message in case of error, nil otherwise
function Public.get(url_or_request)
local cat = socket.concat.create()
local request = Private.build_request(url_or_request)
request.content_cb = function(chunk, err)
    if chunk then cat:addstring(chunk) end
    return 1
local err = Public.get_cb(request)
return cat:getresult(), err

Это ты кому?  Rus rouler
Что этим хотел сказать?  :D


Это? Просто флуд! Обязательно всё прочитайте! Очень занимательно! )))


NET Ports:  server 27015, client 27005
Server IP address

Server # 1
Adding master server
Adding master server
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/cs_1337_assault.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/cs_1337_assault.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
.kkursor is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
BoJIand connected
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
BoJIand is joining the Terrorist force
* BoJIand changed name to LaSStiK
] sv_restart 1
"sv_restart" changed to "1"
"sv_restart" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 1 SECOND
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Go go go!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor : cheats off
.kkursor :  cheats off

.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with mp5navy
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with mp5navy
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with mp5navy
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with mp5navy
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
] restart

Server # 2
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/cs_1337_assault.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
.kkursor is joining the Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
LaSStiK connected
LaSStiK is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
] mp_timelimit 999999
"mp_timelimit" changed to "999999"
] sv_restart 1
"sv_restart" changed to "1"
"sv_restart" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 1 SECOND
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from usp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with deagle
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from usp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from usp ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from usp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK : dawdwdwd dsdd qwd WEdf
LaSStiK :  dawdwdwd dsdd qwd WEdf

*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with elite
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from elite ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with elite
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with deagle
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m249
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m249
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m249 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m249 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m249 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m249
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m249 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with usp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with sg552
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with sg552
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from p90 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with g3sg1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with g3sg1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with g3sg1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with g3sg1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with g3sg1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with sg552
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from sg552 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with sg552
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with sg552
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from sg552 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with aug
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with knife
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with g3sg1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
LaSStiK killed self with worldspawn
LaSStiK killed self with worldspawn
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from aug ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
] changelevel awp_dust

Server # 3
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_dust.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_dust.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
.kkursor is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
LaSStiK connected
LaSStiK is joining the Terrorist force
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK died
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with fiveseven
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from fiveseven ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Sector clear.
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with knife
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
.kkursor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with usp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from usp ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from usp ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with usp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with usp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with knife
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with glock18
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with deagle
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from deagle ***
] changelevel cs_20fighter

Server # 4
R_LoadSkys: Couldn't load gfx/env/cL_desertrt.tga
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/cs_20fighter.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/cs_20fighter.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
LaSStiK connected
LaSStiK is joining the Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
] changelevel awp_india

Server # 5
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
.kkursor is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
LaSStiK connected
LaSStiK is joining the Terrorist force
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
] mp_freezetime 0
"mp_freezetime" changed to "0"
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from awp ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with awp
] changelevel aim_Arena

Server # 6
.kkursor connected
Couldn't open file overviews/aim_Arena.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/aim_Arena.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
.kkursor is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
LaSStiK connected
LaSStiK is joining the Terrorist force
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Hold This Position.
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
] pausable 1
"pausable" changed to "1"
.kkursor paused the game
.kkursor unpaused the game
.kkursor paused the game
.kkursor unpaused the game
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] pausable 0
"pausable" changed to "0"
Pause not allowed.
] pausable 1
"pausable" changed to "1"
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor died
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor (RADIO): Team, fall back!
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] sensitivity 5
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with glock18
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with awp
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from glock18 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with usp
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
.kkursor killed self with worldspawn
LaSStiK killed self with worldspawn
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with ak47
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with usp
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
.kkursor killed LaSStiK with m4a1
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
LaSStiK killed .kkursor with m4a1
*** LaSStiK killed .kkursor with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** .kkursor killed LaSStiK with a headshot from ak47 ***
.kkursor k

Отредактировано SLava (06-08-2007 18:29:58)


SLava написал(а):

Я смотрю еще один активный участник появился :) админ,предлагаю сделать SLava модератором.
Как смотришь? А ты SLava?


я не против.... Но я тут совсем новичок еще )))


djhjорпфр вр
пвврпрапрапDjnn   флудим флудим!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!РЛрвапврпарпап па
ва вгргhujdfhighfhg




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The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
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The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
The requested URL was not found on this server.The requested URL was not found on this server.
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